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Everything posted by lupercal

  1. http://www.smallholder.co.uk/news/property/2253677.The_road_to_the_Scottish_Isles___Elspeth_Soutar_tells_how_she_followed_a_dream_and_moved_to_the_Outer_Hebrides/
  2. You have to leave England http://www.pureportugal.co.uk/listman/listings/l0012.html 110K euro
  3. Good ideas a free market in banking.
  4. When houses went up people want to buy them with borrorowed money. When gold goes up people want to sell it. Why is this?
  5. Theres a guy in there who had no windfall and explained this meant he took more risks and the risks he took. It's a very good book.
  6. This book is excellent. I'm 1/3 of the way through and learning about a whole new world. My next step is to raise the free capital. It seems the subject had some sort of windfall (through their own efforts) to get started and built on it.I hope theres a rags to riches story in there.
  7. usually the shift and sym key

  8. to get voice on the kindle press home then menu then experimental for instructions

  9. I'll buy this. I would like to ask if there is there any plan to interview unsuccessful investors and gain knowledge from that. Does anyone remember the Derren Brown trick when he predicted the winners of horse races. Starting with a large amount of people, He made a prediction that each horse in a race would be a winner to at least one person. Most were wrong but a few won. By the end of three races a small number of people were convinced he had a secret formula for wealth . How does this book avoid such selection bias.
  10. A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.[1] To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by substituting it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and refuting it, without ever having actually refuted the original position.[1][2] I think this is a straw man:) I do admire the current system though. I'd like to make the claim that without fractional reserve banking there would be no space program. Crashing JP Morgan does most people no good.
  11. Is there any evidence on this affecting JP Morgan. How possible is it that the buy silver and destroy JP Morgan is an urban myth whipped up on the internet to a hysteria? There is kernel of truth, but if I was in on silver years ago, this could be a useful fad thats pushing slver higher on nothing http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE69Q0SE20101027
  12. I'd rather that then a collapse of system which is what the people at zero-hedge are calling for.
  13. Coming soon: the loud thud of a gold bust http://blogs.reuters.com/deep-pocket/2010/...of-a-gold-bust/
  14. Goulash, sausages and black pudding, the mother in law butchered it. Made her weekend.
  15. Catflaps posts on high yielding shares are very informatiive. His opinion is a very useful counter point to the group think we need to avoid.
  16. Ive lost my runner beans, potatoes and beetroot to deer and wild boaar. Any suggestions?
  17. Jim Sinclair only ever says gold is going ballistic
  18. Chinese scientist working in the UK invents wee powered fuel cell http://2ndgreenrevolution.com/2010/08/27/n...red-fuel-cells/ But how is it collected?
  19. If something happens like that it doesnt matter who you are you or your family will be in trouble. I hope it is avoided.
  20. May explain some of the shorts http://www.business24-7.ae/companies-marke...-05-18-1.245539
  21. In 1910 344 men and boys died round our way in an accident. That coal is still there and must be worth a fortune.
  22. Whats the point of shows like this. If people stop buying this tat then those chain gangs are unemployed and starving to death. And as for getting youngsters who never did a hard days work, its a stupidity. They would do better getting a British miner to compare conditions. Maybe someone retired who has something worth saying and knows how to work. If its an yet another attempt to make me feel guilty for living in a developed country its not successful. Typical BBC.
  23. The graph shows a pattern of gold price falling when the New York markets open but its a leap of faith to say its manipulation. Can this pattern be created another way? It may just be the dynamics of the different markets are different. The eastern market could have more buyers with more money then the western markets. Our maybe there are more sellers on the western markets. For both markets to have the same valuation would be surprising.
  24. Pay who? If they live in the west then I think nothing because they are people who need air food and water. And if they push it then the special forces or a legal team will be on their doorstep to shut them down. If its a strong overseas power, then a tradewar and proxy conflicts in resource rich areas.
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