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Scientists link obesity to gut bacteria

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(from elsewhere - per DrB):


Gut bacteria linked to obesity-related health problems


UM scientists say microorganisms may lead to diabetes, high blood pressure, other diseases


September 02, 2012|By Andrea K. Walker, The Baltimore Sun


The answer to why some obese people develop diabetes and other health problems may be found not in just a love for junk food, but in the bacteria that thrive deep in the human gut.

Scientists at the University of Maryland School of Medicine have identified 26 species of intestinal bacteria linked to insulin resistance and the high blood pressure, cholesterol and sugar levels suffered by the obese. These preventable conditions often lead to potentially fatal health problems including stroke, heart disease and diabetes.

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The researchers don't understand yet how the bacteria in the gut, or intestines, interact with the human body to manifest into illness. But they say identifying the harmful microorganisms from among the trillions that coexist harmoniously in the human body is a major step toward one day developing new treatments for one of the country's most pressing medical issues.

"We can't infer cause or effect, but now that we have results from step one and we can now look at what the bacteria are doing, it can give us more information to go about getting an intervention," said Dr. Brandi Cantarel, a research associate at the University of Maryland Institute of Genome Sciences who worked on the study.

The study is one in a growing field of research looking at how the bacteria, fungi and viruses that live on every inch of the body — known collectively as microbiome — play a role in human sickness. They outnumber human cells 10 to one.

. . .

Gene markers were used to distinguish between the different bacteria found in the stool taken from 310 Amish. Researchers found everyone in the study had one of three different communities of bacteria. The guts of people with high blood pressure, insulin resistance and other so-called metabolic syndrome diseases related to obesity also had 26 other rare bacteria.

The study also used the data to see if a person's occupation was associated with microbes in the gut. They found farmers and others who had regular contact with animals had bacterial communities also common in the livestock.

The Maryland researchers now hope to find funding to take the next step and explore the different ways the microbes may be interacting in the body.

There could be a myriad of explanations, researchers say.

"We think the answer to that question is probably complicated and multifaceted," Shuldiner said. "It may have something to do with genes, or various lifestyle factors and the environment. We just don't know."

For instance, do the microorganisms produce some byproduct that causes metabolic syndrome?


The University of Maryland study also found a link between obesity and inflammation, which is believed to be a factor in obesity and other chronic conditions. They found that people with metabolic syndrome with serum markers associated with inflammation had low levels of good bacteria known to have anti-inflammatory properties.


Proctor suggested that perhaps the metabolic functions of the microorganisms somehow influence the metabolic functions of the human body. The microorganisms have their own biological processes and genome. In the gut, the bacteria are supplied with nutrients that humans ingest.

Further study could lead to new treatments, that could target the microorganisms with medication or changes in lifestyle and diet that may influence how the microorganisms behave in the body.


/more: http://articles.balt...genome-sciences

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Are You Overweight or Obese? How To Tell & How To Fix It


Most people have had this experience...

It's when you go to the doctor's office for your checkup, and lo and behold, the first thing that "greets" you when you're called in from the waiting room is...

...the scale.

At that moment you wish you wore a burlap sack instead of your heavy suit or bulky sweater, and you frantically remove your shoes before you step on to conserve every ounce.

You swear you can hear the scale giggling at your misery.

The nurse makes a note of your weight and says, "Hmmm, you're up a few pounds from last year."


Then the doctor (who looks like he's auditioning to be the next Pillsbury Dough Boy himself) comes in and says you should take off some weight. After all, you're not getting any younger and you don't want the weight to continue to creep up.

So you leave the office feeling like the Michelin Man and completely frustrated because you don't know where to begin, what to do or how "big" you really are.

If you've had that experience recently or want to know whether you're overweight or obese (and most importantly, what to do about it!), read on...


Overweight versus obese--what's the difference?

Back in the early 80's when I worked for a health insurance company, we used tables that showed weight ranges for various heights for men and women.

There were color-coded sections for underweight, normal weight and overweight, and obesity was defined as being 150% of your normal bodyweight.

That may have been OK for insurance underwriting purposes, but in reality there was room for a big swing in each of the weight levels. Someone could fall within the range of "normal," but still look like the spokesperson for the Krispy Kreme diet.


The new guides--let's zero in on YOUR blob

Current weight guidelines provide a more "specialized" look at the size of the lump in your rump by first of all redefining overweight and obesity.

Overweight means have excess WEIGHT for your height, whereas obesity refers to an abundance of body FAT.

And the Body Mass Index (BMI) takes a closer, more defined look at someone's specific height and weight as an indicator of whether they just are carrying some excess baggage or are truly obese.


So what's your BMI and what does it mean?

You can look up your BMI on this table:

- http://diabetes.nidd...bmi_tbl_508.pdf

Most medical organizations including the CDC use the following criteria to assess bodyweight based on BMI:

< 18.5 = underweight

18.5 - 24.9 = healthy weight

25.0 - 29.9 = overweight

> 30 = obese

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Probiotics May Lower Inflammation and Treat Diseases


Oct 31, 2011 | Rachael Rettner, MyHealthNewsDaily Staff Writer


Probiotics, or "good bacteria," may lower levels of inflammation in the body, which could benefit patients who have inflammatory diseases such as ulcerative colitis, a new study says.

And other new studies confirm thatprobiotics may also help patients who need to take antibiotics for an extended period of time.


An imbalance between the good and bad bacteria in our guts can lead to uncomfortable symptoms or illnesses, researchers said, but probiotics might alleviate some symptoms. The studies will be presented this week at the American College of Gastroenterology's (ACG) annual meeting in Washington, D.C.


Bacteria and inflammation

Inflammation normally helps your body fight off infection, but chronically high levels of it may cause swelling and pain and damage tissues. Psoriasis , ulcerative colitis and chronic fatigue syndrome are all diseases in which inflammation is thought to play a role.

In one new study, patients with one of these conditions who took the probiotic bacteria B. infantis* for eight weeks had lower levels of inflammation compared with those who took a placebo. And healthy people who took probiotics also saw a reduction in inflammation compared with those who took a placebo.


/more: http://www.myhealthnewsdaily.com/1851-probiotics-good-bacteria-inflammation.html



probiotic bacteria B. infantis*:


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Probiotics need to be taken in conjunction with anti-parasitic herbs/foods.


On an empty stomach you take some anti-bacterial or anti-parasitic herbs/foods, ex. ginger root, garlic cloves, ground cloves, oregano oil, horseradish, cayenne, wormwood, black walnut in as large of a quantity as you can handle. Take this with a 1 teaspoon of psyllium husks to carry the herbs through the intestines.


After 30-60 minutes you take a large dose of live probiotic cultures. This can be in the form of self-made (homemade) fermented raw or organic goat's milk, almond mlik, coconut milk, or fermented vegetables or fermented vegetable brine, again, must be homemade from scratch.

If you do not take the anti-parasitic's the probiotics will not "stick" to the intestines because the bad/dysbiotic bacteria/organisms will be blocking it.

If you don't take the probiotics after the anti-parasitic's, then at your next carb meal the dysbiotic/unfavourable organisms will grow back to full strength.

This must be repeated twice a day for several weeks at least for results to show, especially if you are dealing with chronic diseases. Even perhaps for years, on and off.

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Have you used this regime yourself, Vlad ?


How do you come by this knowledge?

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Have you used this regime yourself, Vlad ?


How do you come by this knowledge?

I have been battling some horrible and resilient health issues, after a lot of trial and error I have found the modalities that work, for me at least.


I have done this protocol on myself for long periods of time and with rather high doses.


I can attest to it personally that it does work. I did not even have any issues with IBS or any other intestine/digestive problems, parasites, candida, or anything of the sort, that would call for or necessitate a parasite cleanse, nevertheless what I eliminated was straight out of a science fiction movie.


I did the protocol for a year or two until significant elimination began to occur, and I believe that one must have a very strict eating regimen and also be very strict and consistent with the protocol.


I am rather young, so I was very surprised that it took so long for my body to respond and for the disease symptoms to diminish. There were a lot of doubts and second-guessing along the way, but now I am a believer that all can be cured with homeopathy, the only obstacle is determination, willpower and resilience, I can only speak for myself though.


I acquired this information through various sources, some of these sources I already posted in various parts of these forums. What I think people need is a tailor-made program specific to themselves (their capacity, their daily life, budget, willpower, willingness, etc...)

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Thanks for the explanation.

The sequence is interesting. And i will try a version of that starting soon.


I normally live in HK. I have a diet and regime there that works for me when I am in HK.


I am now in another country for a few weeks and have not yet found the right regime.


I have found something that I might take first thing in the morning, as a sort of parasite cleanse.

It is called Emperor's Tea.

And here are the ingredients:

turmeric, ginger, moringa, guyabano, lagundi, sambong, ... (more)... oregano, lemon grass,

and... cinnamon powder, raw sugar, chili extract & pandan extract.


(They recommend taking it BEFORE meals 3X a day)


After that, I could take some probiotic yoga. And later still, some roasted oats and raisins as breakfast.


Do you think the sort of diet I suggested would help to cleanse the gut?


BTW, one thing they do have hear that I like is Kalamansi (it is like a small lemon or lime.)

I like to drink water with Kalamansi squeezed into it. When I am in HK, I drink lemon tea without sugar all day

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All sounds great to me, the kalamansi, the tea and the yogurt.

You may need something more potent than the tea, as dried herbs are not as strong as fresh, and with tea you are not consuming the actual herbs. Also may need a more potent probiotic as the store bought yogurts may not have large quantities or varieties of probiotics in them, or the probiotics may be dormant (just probiotic powder mixed in with the yogurt).


But for now, what you mentioned should be sufficient to have an effect =).

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(I am going transfer this thread temporarily to the Acore section, where it may have more visibility)

Vlad has posted comments on several health-related threads, including:

A deeper look at dis-ease (lack of ease)
Started by vladimir899, Today, 11:33 AM

The Healing Crisis - last post by vladimir899

Scientists link obesity to gut bacteria - last post by vladimir899

Gout - Any sufferers out there? - last post by vladimir899

RA - Rheumatoid Arthritis - last post by vladimir899

Natural Remedies for Inflammation - last post by vladimir899

Any alternative cancer treatments worth trying? - last post by vladimir899

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DrBubb posted this a while back.

-I thought i would re-post it here, let me know if this is not desired


On the Microbiome-Part 1:


The cutting edge of current medical research is to look into how the vast amounts of microbes in our bodies influence our health - as long as we are able to maintain the diversity and balance of this "ecosystem" we remain healthy and if it gets out of whack, we fall prey to a host of illnesses. In this regard, I came across a fascinating article on the subject by a Berkeley professor, Michael Pollan. Some key points (it's a long article and will cover it over a few newsletters):


-Our bodies have about 10 trillion human cells, but play host to about 100 trillion microbial species (mainly bacteria) called the microbiota - which comprise largely commensals (i.e. free loaders), mutualists (live for mutual benefit) and a small number of pathogens.


-99% of the genetic information we pass on to our progeny is microbial, and this "second genome" (i.e. the "microbiome") may influence our health even more than the genes we inherit from our parents which tend to be fixed, while the second genome can be reshaped and cultivated.


-Disorders in our "ecosystem" - a loss of diversity or a proliferation of the wrong type of microbe may expose us to a whole host of chronic diseases and infections. Human health should now "be thought of as a collective property of the human-associated microbiota" as per a recent landmark research note on the subject.


-Our resident microbes also appear to lay a critical role in training and modulating our immune system, to help it distinguish between friend and foe, and the alarming increase in auto immune diseases in the West could be related to a disruption in the interaction between our bodies and their microbes.


-The multi-fronted attack on bacteria over the last century, and the western diet which is detrimental to the well being of the microbiota, has led to an impoverished "Westernized microbiome".


-The environment plays a significant role in shaping a person's microbiome, with a family sharing a house have a similar microbial community.


-The development of a baby's gut commences during and shortly after birth, when a distinctive infant community of microbes assembles in the gut. With the intake of solid food, and then weaning, the types of microbes gradually shift until age 3, when they finally resemble an adult community similar to their parents.


-The study of a baby's gut community has yielded important insights into why they matter so much to our health - and one of the first clues was the issue with human breast milk.


-Human breast milk has a certain complex carbohydrate which the human infant lacks the enzyme to digest - contradicting evolutionary theory which argues that it should have value to the infant or would have been discarded long ago as a waste of precious resources.


-However, it is now clear that the particular carbohydrate nourishes a specific bacterium which has a unique ability to break down and make use of it. And the growth of this bacteria in the baby's gut crowds out the pathogens and protects the lining of the intestines which plays a critical role in preventing infection and inflammation.


-Human milk is a "prebiotic" - a food for microbes - as well as a "probiotic" - i.e. carries a population of beneficial microbes introduced into the body, so the guts of bottle fed babies are not optimally colonized.


-Most of a baby's gut community are acquired during birth - a microbially rich and messy process that exposes the baby to a variety of maternal microbes. Babies born by Caesarean, being born under a relatively sterile procedure, do not acquire the mother's vaginal and intestinal microbes at birth.


On the Microbiome-Part 2:


The cutting edge of current medical research is to look into how the vast amounts of microbes in our bodies influence our health - as long as we are able to maintain the diversity and balance of this "ecosystem" we remain healthy and if it gets out of whack, we fall prey to a host of illnesses. In this regard, summarised below are some key points from a fascinating article on the subject by a Berkeley professor, Michael Pollan:


-By comparing gut communities of populations across the globe some interesting patterns are emerging - the diversity of the gut microbia in rural populations across the world is greater than the gut diversity in the Western world. In addition, the dominant bacterial strains differ between the two groups.


-Rural populations, being largely vegetarian, have preponderance of bacteria which have an affinity for whole grains and plant fibre, while Western guts have more bacteria which can digest animal protein and simple carbohydrates from processed food. The difference results from the diet as well as a greater reliance on antibiotics, environmental toxins and less exposure to bacteria in daily life in the West.


Posted Image


-This might explain why these rural populations have greater exposure to infectious diseases and lower life expectations, but also lower incidences of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes and allergies.


-A person's microbial community stabilizes by age 3, and while a change in diet or an antibiotic course may cause a shift in the relative populations of bacteria, the resident bacteria tends to resist newcomers. While the initial microbes are acquired from parents, and the rest come from the environment.


-The microbial system performs a host of very important functions - i.e. keeping away pathogens, manufacturing neurotransmitters, enzymes, vitamins (mainly Bs and K), other essential nutrients (amino acids and short-chain fatty acids) and signalling molecules which influence the immune and metabolic systems as well as our stress levels and temperament.


-The interaction of our immune system with the microbes (in our bodies, our diet and environment) is critical to our health - and it seems to regard the resident bacteria as our "own self". The absence of this constructive engagement between our immune system and the microbes maybe behind the rise of auto immune diseases in the West.


- Because microbes evolve very rapidly (a new generation every 20 minutes in some cases), and can respond (and adapt to) to changes in the environment much faster than we can, they play a very useful role in helping our bodies to respond to changes in the environment.


-Some bacteria - like H. pylori play a dual role - having been implicated in peptic ulcers and stomach cancer, but they are also critical in regulating the production of stomach acid, inflammation and the appetite hormone. However, with focus on only its negative aspects (which largely appear only after age 40) has led to its dramatic decline in the human population, resulting in rising rates of obesity, allergies, asthma and acid reflux.


-The prevalence of antibiotics (as medicine, in our food and in everyday life) is doing considerable damage to the microbiome - and particularly to our immune system and weight. For example, farmers have been giving very small doses of antibiotics to cows for many years to make them gain weight. While they have served a very useful purpose in terms of dealing with infectious diseases and increasing our life span, they appear to have some unintended consequences as well.


-A growing number of researchers are coming to the conclusion the inflammation is the root cause of a variety of chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, obesity and cancer. Recent research points to low-grade inflammation over time causing metabolic syndrome which is linked to the above mentioned chronic diseases.


-The problem seems to lie with the gut - in particular the epithelium which lines our digestive tract. The microbiota plays a critical role in maintaining the health of the epithelium, by enhancing its function as well as nourishing it by producing the short-chain fatty acids from the fermentation of plant fibre in the large intestine.


-If the epithelial bacteria is not properly nourished, it can become more permeable, allowing toxins to be released into the bloodstream and thereby causing the body's immune system to launch an inflammatory response, which over time leads to metabolic syndrome and chronic diseases.


-The main issue with the Western diet is that it only feeds the upper G.I. (i.e. swiftly absorbed sugar, fats and protein) but not the lower G.I. where the fermentation of plant and whole grain fibre takes place, supplying the critical short-chain fatty acids to nourish the gut barrier and prevent inflammation.


-Changes in diet and lifestyles can help in keeping a healthy microbiome - effective probiotics and prebiotics (which feed the bacteria - i.e. fermented foods like yoghurt and kimchi), less antibiotics, relaxing sanitary regimens at homes, increased fibre intake through plants, fruits and whole grains, and eliminating processed food.

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Here is a simple example of a parasite/candida cleanse that I personally do:

  1. On an empty stomach consume a significant quantity of one or more antibacterials (see below for examples). Tip: start with small quantities and gradually increase the dosage to as much as you can tolerate.
  2. Along with the anti bacterial take 1-6 teaspoons of psyllium husks, and/or freshly ground flaxseeds. (these will help "carry" the antibacterials through the intestines)
  3. Drink 1-4 cups of water (250ml - 1.0 litres) of water
  4. After 30-60 minutes (allowing the antibacterials to leave the stomach), take a high-dose probiotic (see below for examples) - this is a very important step, otherwise the parasites will grow back with the next carbohydrate-containing meal

Additional Measures:

  1. bentonite clay, chia seeds (absorbs toxins)
  2. coffee/other liquid enemas (aiding elimination and preventing stagnation) antibacterials and probiotics can be added to the enemas
  3. anti-parasite/candida diet (see below)

Duration of Cleanse: try to be as consistent and strict as possible for at least 2-4 weeks, then take a break (at least 1-2 weeks) and repeat


Antibacterials: There are so many out there, but I will list the ones that I use:

  • fresh: ginger, garlic, horseradish, purple onion (i take a piece, chew it up really fast, and swallow with water)
  • powdered: turmeric, cayenne, garlic, cloves, bee propolis, cinnamon (usually I take empty gelatin capsules and fill them up with the powder, then swallow the capsules with water) (it is not effective to just add to foods because the quantity will be too little, also they need to be taken on an empty stomach so that the food doesn't feed the parasites/candida)
  • oregano oil, apple cider vinegar
  • this product: https://knowledgeproducts.ca/store/30-Day-Paraway-Cleanse.html



  • it is important to make your own probiotic ferments, otherwise probiotics capsules or commercial products will have to suffice
  • yogurt: search online for how to make it, it is a very simple process. Easiest variation: take milk, pour into a glass jar, add probiotic capsules/powder, let sit out on the counter for a couple days, then refrigerate. When making the next batch, use yogurt from the previous batch as a starter. Now you will no longer require probiotic capsules
  • fermented vegetables: online are many resources. Simplest variation: cut up vegetables (carrots, onions, cabbage, etc.), put into a glass jar with water, add probiotic capsules/powder, let sit for 4-14 days at room temperature. Use liquid from first batch as starter for next batch.
  • kimchi
  • kombucha
  • commercial yogurts (these are usually fermented using chemical processes, meaning that they will have no actual probiotics)(most commercial yogurts are boiled after production (pasteurized) and then have some probiotic powder added to them afterwards - and they label that "probiotic yogurt")


Anti-Parasite/Candida Diet


Avoid or Limit:

  • simple carbohydrates: these include sugar and sweetened food, fruit and fruit juices, soft drinks, alcohol, flour products, cereal and grain products
  • gluten* (see note below)
  • yeast fermented, overripe, non-fresh and aged foods, such as cheeses, pickled and dried fish, commercial soups, gravies, and fermented soy products
  • synthetic sweeteners (aspartame, sucralose, etc.)

Safe Foods:

  • vegetables (limit cooked, high-carbohydrate foods, ex. potatoes, carrots)
  • legumes
  • meat
  • fish
  • egg
  • oily seeds

* gluten, mostly from wheat, but to some degree also from rye, and other gluten grains tends to cause an inflammation of the intestinal wall


In regards to adverse reactions see: http://www.greenenergyinvestors.com/index.php?showtopic=20564&hl=


What are some of the symptoms of parasite infection?
Feeling tired most of the time, sleeping problems
Constipation, diarrhea
Skin condition
Restlessness, anxiety or depression
Joint or muscle pain
Itchy nose, ears or anus
Fast heartbeat
Heart pain
Pain in the navel
Yeast infection


CDC.gov: Neglected Parasitic Infections (NPIs) in the United States - http://www.cdc.gov/p.../npi/index.html

- "These infections are considered neglected because relatively little attention has been devoted to their surveillance, prevention, and/or treatment"

- "Parasitic infections affect millions of people in the United States every year"

CBS News: CDC warns of common parasites plaguing millions in U.S. - http://www.cbsnews.c...he-us-cdc-says/

Parasites, A Modern Epidemic. http://hsu.com/paras...rn.epidemic.htm

THE HIDDEN EPIDEMIC IN NORTH AMERICAN PARASITES: http://health-truth.com/our-program/parasites/the-hidden-epidemic-in-north-american-parasites/

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