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What's the difference between wind energy and wave energy?

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I was just wondering if they're the same since I haven't found any concise answer on the about this. What I found out was wave needs wind in order to create an impact. Any idea?


The science is complicated but essentially waves are generated by wind passing over the sea and exerting a stress on the surface. This force initiates wave growth. Once they reach a certain size the wind causes additional wave growth and so on.


Essentially wave energy created by wind and wind derived from solar energy.... All connected !

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The science is complicated but essentially waves are generated by wind passing over the sea and exerting a stress on the surface. This force initiates wave growth. Once they reach a certain size the wind causes additional wave growth and so on.


Essentially wave energy created by wind and wind derived from solar energy.... All connected !



Thanks for enlightening me about it. Honestly, I had in mind eve before that they were all connected so now it's been cleared already.

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